Thursday, October 25, 2007

Let the power of "Diet Coke" compel you

I know. It's a bit tacky to substitute "Diet Coke" for the word "Christ" but it's so fitting for what happen to me today.

I was teaching my class today and became thirsty. I grabbed my Diet Coke and took a big drink. As the first of the drink went down my throat I realized it was going down too hard and I was going to choke if I swallowed any more. Seeing as I was in front of all of my students I quickly decided I would go outside (I'm in a portable) and spit the Diet Coke out so as not to die trying to swallow and choke. Before I could even react, I coughed. Yes, I coughed with a mouth full of Diet Coke. It spewed everywhere! On top of that, I then couldn't catch my breath and continued to cough.

The kids were just looking up at me, shocked. They didn't know what to do. I began laughing uncontrollably. I couldn't stop. It was so funny! Nothing like that has ever happen to me in front of anyone. Especially not in a classroom full of children!

Oh well! Makes for a funny story!

Live, laugh, learn!


Mister Teacher said...

Live, laugh, burp

Simply Sublime said...

So witty Mr. Teacher.

Anonymous said...

Had you covered your mouth it would have come out your nose.


Simply Sublime said...

Ewwww! And owww! That would have been much worse!

Anonymous said...

Oh, what a horror story! On the other hand, I guess it shows your students that teachers are human, too... :-)

Today's lesson: why one should not drink carbonated soft-drinks in front of groups.

Simply Sublime said...

Haha! Great lesson for us all!

I'm definately more "human" to them now.