Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Nerve!

Another teacher on my grade level always says, "the nerve" when a student does something they shouldn't. I think it's an appropriate title for my wonderings today.

As I mentioned before, one of our classes was "dissolved" and that teacher now does reading groups with our low students. Instead of pulling them out she does the groups in our class. She was out Monday and Tuesday so has only done this two days now. Yesterday she sat in a corner of the room, did the two groups, and then left. It seemed to work just fine. Today, however, she sat where I usually have the kids go to share journals. Because we don't have much space, I was unable to do journal sharing and the kids went to centers while I did my reading groups and she did hers. As I'm doing my group, I hear her getting onto my kids in centers for being to loud. She is sitting in "the library" area and that is their center. They are reading. Why did she think she could tell them to be quiet? She is just a visitor in our room, not the teacher. Ugh! Then, about five minutes later, I hear her yelling at the kids in the group for not "trying" hard enough to read. She then tells one of the kids to go move their clip on my behavior chart. This just happens to be a very quiet, academically low child. Hence the need for extra reading tutoring. Why would she think she can discipline my students with our classroom behvior chart? Shouldn't she have her own "system" for getting them to participate. Maybe by not scaring the crap out of them and yelling at them. Just a thought! Anyway...

The nerve!


Mister Teacher said...

Monday, I think I'll walk into your classroom and demand some kid to move his clip on the behavior board.

I think it's hilarious that you talk about your "wonderings." Hallway wonderings, perhaps??

Simply Sublime said...

That's probably why I had that word on my mind! How funny!