Saturday, April 26, 2008

Tag... You're It

Mr. Teacher tagged me for this a while back. I have not been blogging or reading them lately so I just now noticed. Lots of stuff going on lately. It looks interesting though. I'm not going to tag anyone but would love for some others to post it if they would like.

1. Pick up the nearest book
2. Open to page 123
3. Find the fifth sentence
4. Post the next three sentences
5. Tag five people and acknowledge who tagged you.

The closest book to me is a book I am currently reading to my daughter. We read a few pages a night. It's, The New Kid on the Block, poems by Jack Prelutsky. Not too interesting but here goes.

It's hard to fault the Zoosher's taste
(a mushroom belt adorns its waist),
and gaily wrapped about its head
are radishes-some white, some red.
Just why the beast behaves this way
is rather difficult to say,
as here beneath a bush it lies,
with mashed potatoes on its eyes.

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