Thursday, November 15, 2007

And So It Continues...

So today, I'm in the cafeteria with my students who are eating breakfast (I have the pleasure of taking my whole class to breakfast) and a certain TA walks up directly behind me and yells, for me to hear, to another TA if they are ordering food for lunch today. The other TA says not that she knows of and asks why. Annoying one says because she's not allowed to order out anymore. She's obviously saying this to make sure I hear her. It's purely for my benefit. I decide to be the bigger person and not turn around. I act as if I don't hear anything. Hard to do when someone is basically yelling in your ear and you can feel them staring at you. The TA she was talking to had no clue what she was doing and she eventually walked away. I don't think she fully understands that I don't care who, what, when, where, why, or how she eats. None of this would have been an issue if she hadn't yelled at me in the first place. UGH!!!!

Later during the day...

I'm walking down the hall during my planning period. She and two other TA's are loitering in the hallway. One of them says to another, "Hey, E, do you have a minute?". The infamous TA, let's call her "B", (make your own assumptions) says, "No, but some people have ALL day!".

I guess it was suppose to be a jab at me. Maybe she thinks that a teacher has nothing to do all day. I guess her job and life are WAY more difficult than a measly first grade general education/ESL teacher and single mom.

My question to all of you is...

What do I do? She has made my workplace a hostile environment. I am very uncomfortable when she is anywhere around me. I'm not sure what she's going to do next? I need some words of wisdom from my blogger friends.


Mister Teacher said...

What happened when you went to the administrator? And is pepper spray a viable option?

Simply Sublime said...

I don't know what the admin said to her. I think she, unfortunately, focused on the ordering food out instead of her yelling at me. Pepper spray is a good idea. :)

proofoflife said...

Hi, I just popped in as I was reading everyones blog rolls. I wouldn't put up with this nonsense from the TA. I would go right up and tell her to back off or you will have to go to the adminstrators to report her. You have enough to worry about with your students. You realy shouldn't let this B get away with her behavior. Good luck.

Simply Sublime said...

Thanks proof.