Thursday, October 16, 2008

What A Day


That's about all I can say.

I feel fortunate that I still have my same job, in my same school, in my same room, with my same kids. I feel a bit sad that I feel fortunate about that. Many of my colleagues can not say the same thing. Why should we be tousled about this way?

It's been an extremely draining day. The school day began at 7:30am and didn't end until 8:00pm. I think I experienced twenty different emotions within this one day. Our school lost many wonderful teachers today. We had 4 teachers take the voluntary release, our principal took the voluntary release, 3 teachers were RIF'd (laid off), 5 teachers were transferred to different schools, and 900 students will suffer. This doesn't include the many teachers that will stay at our school but be placed in different positions.

I'm bracing myself for a strange and difficult next few weeks.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Yes! Success!

This has been quite an interesting year for me, as for all others teaching in the Dallas I.S.D. We have had a budget shortfall and teacher layoffs hanging over our heads.

It has been dreadfully stressful and next to impossible to maintain stability in the classroom with so much else going on around me. Thankfully, I have been able to focus on my students and enjoy the simple things that happen day to day.

Today one of my students told me she likes to read because I showed her how. She said she tries so hard because she can tell I want her to learn. Wow! Thanks for noticing!

1 down... 18 to go. :)